Monday 10 October 2016, 10:30, INRIA Saclay, room Gilles Kahn: Confluence of rewrite systems based on decreasing diagrams, PhD defense, Jiaxiang Liu (Ecole Polytechnique).
Formal methods are increasingly used for developing critical software.
Proof assistants based on type theories allow to formally prove
properties of software, in particular partial or total correctness. In
expressive type theories allowing for dependent types, computations
based on rewriting play a fundamental role in identifying types up
to computation, such as even(2 + 2) and even(4 + 0) which both
compute to even(4). This is possible thanks to two crucial properties
of rewrite rules, termination and confluence. A third essential, more
semantical property, is type preservation. Confluence is the property
of rewriting-based computations expressing that the associated extensional
relation is functional, implying uniqueness of normal forms,
which exist thanks to termination. In this thesis, we are interested in
Note that this problem is already present in weaker languages
called algebraic specification languages, such as OBJ or the functional
kernel of Maude. In those simply typed languages without functional
types, type preservation is an easy property of the rules, and proving
termination can be done independently of confluence. The confluence
proof can therefore use the termination property. This is not possible
in typed theories, for which termination , confluence of typed terms,
and type preservation, depend on each other. Proving confluence on
untyped terms is the usual way out, and can then be done first. The
difficulty is that computations do not terminate on untyped terms,
hence confluence must be proved for non-terminating computations.
Our interest in this thesis is therefore to develop confluence proof methods in the presence of non-terminating computations.
It is well-known that confluence of a set of rewrite rules is undecidable.
In the sub-case where rewriting terminates, methods for
showing confluence have been well developed, and are based on the
computation of “minimal diverging computations” called critical peaks,
made of a minimal middle term called “overlap” which computes in
two different ways, resulting in a so-called “critical pair”.
In the case of non-terminating computations, a main result is
that left-linear rewrite rules that have no critical pairs are always
confluent, where a rule is left-linear when each one of its free variables
cannot occur more than once in the left-hand side. This suggests that
the notion of critical pairs plays a key role there too, but a general
understanding of the confluence of non-terminating computations in
terms of critical pairs is still missing.
Recently, van Oostrom proposed a framework based on decreasing
diagrams, a notion that can capture the two main methods used
in the literature for analyzing confluence, no matter whether the
rewrite system is terminating or not. Based on that, Felgenhauer
obtained a general result to solve the confluence problem of left-linear
non-terminating systems via critical pairs, leaving the non-left-linear
non-terminating case open.
This thesis is therefore devoted to the development of techniques that reduce confluence to the checking of critical pairs for rewrite systems that are possibly non-terminating and non-left-linear. To this end, we carry out a thorough investigation of the notion of decreasing diagrams, from the notion itself up to its applications.
The first part of this thesis focuses on the decreasing diagrams
method itself, which is known to be complete: a relation on an
abstract set is confluent if and only if it can be equipped with a
(well-founded) set of labels such that every diverging computation, called
peak, has a decreasing diagram, that is, its extremities can be joined
by steps whose direction and labels satisfy some constraints with
respect to the peak’s rewrites and labels. The proof of completeness
is based on Klop’s notion of cofinal derivations, which is an infinite
derivation playing the role of a normal form when computations do
not terminate.
By giving an alternative simpler proof of the decreasing diagrams
method, we succeed in extending the method and its completeness
result to the modulo case, in which computations mix rewrite steps
and equational steps which are strongly coherent, a notion due to
Jouannaud and Munoz. A direct consequence is a new and concise
proof of Toyama’s celebrated modularity result of confluence for
rewrite systems that are built from disjoint signatures and its modulo
extension by Jouannaud and Toyama.
A second achievement of the thesis lifts up the abstract decreasing diagrams method to a slightly more concrete level. By generalizing the method on abstract positional rewriting introduced by Jouannaud and Li, and by extending it by a multi-labelled version, we propose a general framework for proving confluence of term rewrite systems in an axiomatic way which captures all results from the literature that we know of, in particular those relying on a notion introduced by Huet and further developed under the name of parallel closedness, which all appear as particular cases of decreasing diagrams.
The rest of the thesis deals with confluence of syntactic classes
of concrete rewrite systems that are possibly non-terminating and
A first idea is to split a rewrite system into a terminating part
RT and a left-linear, possibly non-terminating one RNT. Again,
we assume two disjoint signatures, FT and FNT. RT is built from
symbols in FT . RNT is built from arbitrary symbols, but assumed
to be rank non-increasing, where the rank of a term is its maximal
number of layers alternations. Then, the confluence of RT [ RNT
can be reduced to the joinability of the critical pairs of RT and the
existence of decreasing diagrams for the critical pairs of RT inside
RNT, as well as for some parallel critical pairs of RNT with itself called
rigid. The results, that are a strict generalization of Knuth-Bendix
critical pair criterion for terminating computations, rely on a new
rewriting relation, called “sub-rewriting”, which allows to apply an
RT -rewrite provided the various possible instantiations of a non-linear
variable can be (recursively) joined. This notion appears therefore
as a restriction of conditional rewriting with left-linear conditional
rewrite rules, in case the conditions are conjunctions of joinability
predicates between variables.
The second idea investigated is a novel notion of rank, which is
defined independentlyof any signature split: in essence, the maximum
number of “linearized redexes” traversed from the root to a leaf in a
term, where linearized redexes are instances of the linearized left-hand
sides of rules. The main result here relies on two notions: subrewriting
again, and “cyclic-unification”, in other words, unification
“à la PROLOG” without occur-check. We then prove that a rank
non-increasing rewrite system is confluent provided all its “cyclic
critical pairs” have decreasing diagrams in which the cyclic equations
obtained by unification can be used via their congruence closure. This
result explains a variety of confluent and non-confluent examples due
to Newman for its abstract version, Klop for its concrete version,
and others for variations. We also show that our result is sharp, by
showing that another more complex non-confluent rewrite system,
due again to Klop, that happens to have no cyclic critical pair is
indeed rank increasing.
We are currently investigating non-terminating higher-order computations as those we may find in Dedukti. This part of our work is still preliminary, hence will not be included in this thesis, despite the fact that it can be seen as a major practical application of these techniques.
Cette thèse étudie la confluence des systèmes de réécriture en
l’absence de propriété de terminaison, pour des applications aux
langages fonctionnels de premier ordre comme Maude, ou aux langages
d’ordre supérieur comportant des types dépendants, comme Dedukti.
Dans le premier cas, les calculs opérant sur des structures de données
infinies ne terminent pas. Dans le second, les calculs non typés ne
terminent pas à cause de la beta-réduction. Dans le cas où les calculs
terminent, la confluence se réduit à celle des pics critiques, divergences
minimales du calcul, obtenues à partir d’un terme médian appelé
superposition qui se récrit de deux manière différentes en une paire de
termes appelée critique. Dans le cas où les calculs ne terminent pas,
le résultat majeur est que les calculs définis par des règles linéaires
à gauche et sans paires critiques confluent. Il s’agit donc d’étendre
ce résultat aux systèmes dont les règles peuvent être non-linéaires à
gauche et avoir des paires critiques.
L’étude la confluence est faite à partir de la méthode des diagrammes
décroissants, qui généralise les techniques utilisées antérieurement
aussi bien pour des calculs qui terminent que pour des calculs
qui ne terminent pas. Cette technique est abstraite, en ce sens qu’elle
s’applique à des relations arbitraires opérant sur un ensemble abstrait.
Elle consiste à équiper chaque étape de calcul d’un label pris dans
un ensemble bien fondé. Un pic de calcul, composé d’un terme se
récrivant de deux manières différentes, possède un diagramme décroissant
lorsque ses extrémités peuvent se récrire en un terme commun
avec des étapes de calcul satisfaisant des conditions de comparaison
avec les labels du pic. La force de cette technique est sa complétude,
c'est à dire que toute relation confluente peut-être équipée d’un système
de labels (par des entiers) pour lequel tous ses pics possèdent des
diagrammes décroissants. Ce résultat est basé sur un théorème assez
ancien de Klop, qui définit pour les systèmes non-terminants, une
espèce de forme normale sous la forme d’une suite infinie de réécritures
élémentaires, appelée "dérivation cofinale".
Dans une première partie, nous revisitons les résultats de van
Oostrom, et en proposons une preuve différente simple dans le but
de les généraliser au cas des calculs dits "modulo", c'est à dire dans des
quotients, qui mêlent des règles et inéquations. Cette généralisation
inclue la complétude, en faisant intervenir une généralisation de la
notion de dérivation cofinale dans le cas des calculs fortement cohérents
au sens de Jouannaud et Munoz.
La second partie de la thèse applique le théorème de van Oostrom
et sa généralisation à des système (concrets) de réécriture de termes,
ainsi qu’à plusieurs problèmes ouverts du domaine. L’application
récente à des problèmes d’ordre supérieur tirés de la théorie des types
dépendants ne fait pas partie de la thèse.